Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The Role of Health Information Technology in (which evert area you Research Paper - 1

The Role of Health Information Technology in (which evert area you choose from below) - Research Paper Example or electronic health information implementation to prompt innovation in Healthcare Delivery by health service providers (Buntin, Burke, Hoaglin, & Blumenthal, 2011). The Health Information Technology has been used in a number of health areas, where its role is worth highlighting, such as ACO’s, PCMHs (Patient Centered Medical Homes), and HIEs or RHIOs etc. This paper is aimed at evaluating the role of the Health Information Technology in its one of important areas of Health Information Exchange. The health information exchange is quite a recent technology that is developed and implemented as a result of Federal efforts in order to employ the innovative technology for more advantages regarding health and providers. Within the United States, the utilization of health information exchange systems was profoundly established by the management through the channel of the American Recovery as well as Investment Act of 2009. Especially, the American and Recovery Investment Act integrated the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH) that encouraged associations to implement EHRs and health information exchanges by means of optimistic and pessimistic rationales. Additional countries have as well approved rules and regulations encompassing the extensive implementation of EHRs, together with Canada, England and Australia (Blumenthal, 2009). On the whole, electronic health information exchange is analyzed like a healthy and needed aspect for health areas across the globe. In this scenario, latest innovative technology facilitates bulks of medical data and information to be processed as well as exchanged very quickly and resourcefully as compared to the obsolete paper-based manual structures (Brady, 2011; Buntin, Jain, & Blumenthal, 2010) Health information exchange or HIE can be defined as, â€Å"the exchange of clinical data such as problem lists, clinicians’ notes, or other critical medical information from one provider organization

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Tempest - William Shakespeare Essay Example for Free

The Tempest William Shakespeare Essay Although William Shakespeare’s The Tempest is often categorized as his late romance, its plots reflect the major social movement of that time—the Europeans settling in the New World. As the Europeans eagerly set out to find the New World, they left behind hopeful citizens pondering over what they would find. In The Tempest, through the characters, we can infer that the Europeans’ intentions ranged from creating the perfect government to interacting with the inhabitants. They discovered that their idea of the perfect government in which everyone is equal failed to exist. Nonetheless, they were correct in their anticipation that the New World would already be settled—by savage ‘Native Americans’. They eventually integrated the Native Americans into their society as slaves. In their journey to the New World, the Europeans failed to establish an ideal government, yet succeeded in incorporating the natives into their own society. One of the Europeans’ expectations of the New World was a perfect government in which everyone would be equal. In The Tempest, Shakespeare’s character Gonzalo describes it as a government where there would be â€Å"no occupation; all men idle, all;/And women too, but innocent and pure;/No sovereignty. † (II. 1, ll. 154-156) Even as his comrades ridiculed him, he is steadfast in his belief, and simply labels them as â€Å"gentlemen of brave mettle. † (II. 1, l. 181). This would seem like the ideal government, and would work in theory. In European society in the early seventeenth century, much emphasis was placed on class. The lower class faced many restrictions, and many citizens were infuriated with the class system. To the lower class, the hope of a perfect government in which everyone was equal was ideal. Another one of their hopes was that the natives, although barbaric, would be of great use to them when they first settled. They hoped to incorporate the Native Americans into their own society. In The Tempest, Caliban, the original native of the island, originally greeted Prospero with respect: â€Å"When thou cam’st first,/Thou strok’st me and made much of me†¦then I loved thee/And showed thee all the qualities o’ th’ isle,/The fresh springs, brine pits, barren place and fertile. (I. 2, ll. 333-338) When Prospero first came to the island, Caliban went through the trouble of finding him the best food and water sources. Because of Caliban’s kindness, this shows that the Europeans believed that the Native Americans would be easy to manipulate, and thus, easy to control. They hoped to be in command of the Native Americans so that the task of controlling North America would be easier. To gradually incorporate the natives into their own society as slaves was one of the hopes of the Europeans. However, their hopes and predetermined ideas were found to be inaccurate. The reality was that the utopian government that the Europeans dreamed about did not exist. In fact, Gonzalo’s government was impractical. There would always be conflict, and if everyone was equal, they would feel equally poor. This would call for a sovereign, which would defeat the purpose of everyone being equal. Hierarchy will always exist simply because it is human nature to strive for the best. For example, in The New World, this was reflected in the colony of Jamestown. There was always a captain in charge. A chain of order was important in order to prevent chaos in times of distress. Conversely, one of their expectations became a reality. They believed that the natives would be savages. The Europeans looked down upon the Native Americans because they appeared in many ways to be subhuman. This was due to non-Christianity, a primitive dress style, and a sense of filth: â€Å"Their hair is usually black, but few have any beards. The men wear half their heads shaven, the other half long†¦some are of disposition fearful, some bold, most wary. All Savage†¦For their apparel, they are some time covered with the skins of wild [beasts]†¦There is yet in Virginia no place discovered to be so Savage in which Savages have not a religion†¦Ã¢â‚¬  The Europeans viewed the Native Americans as inferior beings. At first, the Native Americans were inclined to incorporate the Europeans as an intermediary: â€Å"Americans sought to incorporate the newcomers into their universe. (Kupperman 175) They also concluded that the Europeans would be of great use to trade with. As time progressed, both the Native Americans and the Europeans strived to merge the other into their own hierarchy. (Kupperman 174) However, this attempt at incorporating the other soon proved to be futile. In The Tempest, Caliban is always plotting to overthrow Prospero (conversation with Trinculo and Stephano). This is paralleled in the Europeans’ constant, underlying worry that the natives would revolt against them: â€Å"Both the Roanoke and Jamestown olonists reported that conspiracies against them were planned. † (Kupperman 175) The Native Americans knew their territory, and gradually developed tactics to fend off attackers. The Native Americans were highly skilled warriors, yet lacked the technology that the Europeans had. (Barbour) In addition, the Europeans had resistance to disease that overwhelmed the Native Americans. Eventually, the Europeans managed to seize power in their settlements, and incorporated the Native Americans into their civilization as slaves. Although the Europeans failed to establish a utopian government, their efforts to merge the Native Americans into their society were successful. Their ideal failed to exist simply because of human nature. Nonetheless, they integrated the Native Americans into their society as slaves. Albeit unconventional, the expectations of the Europeans were portrayed to some degree. Through The Tempest, the Europeans’ hope of establishing an model government did not become a reality, yet they managed to incorporate the natives.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

education Essay -- essays research papers

The dynamics of the student population yields no two students who are exactly alike. For this reason, it seems unreasonable to use one form of instructional materials, curriculum delivery, and assessment standards for all students. Educators realize that students learn at different rates and through different avenues. Individualized instruction approaches attempt to make the learning experience suitable for each student in terms of his or her learning needs, interests, and developmental level. Individualized instruction programs focus on objectives that are personal for each child. The child is an active partner in decision-making in terms of activities, subject matter, and assessment. Because students learn at different rates, individualized instruction is flexible in instructional pacing and the scheduling of class material. Individual instruction should be varied for each student in order to provide a variety of learning modalities best suited for the student. Teachers must be de dicated to curriculum planning and instructional decision-making, and encourage students to be responsible for their learning and take an active role in the learning process. Individualized instruction is not just a philosophy, but rather is comprised of a specific plan for meeting every student’s educational needs. Individualized instruction begins with a system to diagnose student strengths and weaknesses. Teachers use this pre-assessment to define goals for the student and understand their academic interests. The next step is to determine the best possible arrangement to group students for instruction, whether it is by needs, interests, or developmental levels. Once the teacher has determined student needs and organized the students into groups for effective instruction, the teacher must decide how to instruct the students to produce maximum benefits for each individual student. This includes instruction delivery, course content, integrated activities, and a learning time frame. In order to evaluate the student’s progress, a design for record keeping and a variety of assessment techniques must be must be made. The purpose of this paper is to design a plan for implementing an individualized instruction program in mathematics education. The plan will focus on mathematics content in 4th to 5th grade. The content area for this plan is geometry, and will include components of mea... ...many tests do. Students must show that they can apply their learning to novel places and demonstrate a technique for using mathematical strategies. These performance tests will be beneficial for problem solving tasks, manipulation of objects, construction activities, and identifying patterns and relationships. Performance tasks can be evaluated in real-learning situations or learning centers through teacher observation using a rubric with performance indicators. This way, the teacher can describe the mathematical processes that the student is capable of doing, rather that simply assigning an arbitrary letter grade, which only compares a student with his or her peers. Achievement tests have their place in the evaluation process. While the process is nearly as important as the product, as educators, we want students to be solving problems appropriately. Parents, administrators, and school board officials (as well as teachers) want to know that students are learning skills that follow the curriculum. Additionally, students need to know that they are solving problems correctly, and if they are not, the teacher needs to determine why that is the case. Evaluation of This Plan Appendix

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Financial managing application Essay

Introduction I am making a budget plan and am going to recommend financial managing application for the business as a business manager. The company is named Houzit Pty Ltd, it is a retailer for home wares. It is a growing business. It has 15 stores in Brisbane area. It has 150 staff members. It is registered with ASIC. As per the review of financial structure of this company the report below has been made. 1. The statutory requirements for tax compliances are listed below: * 9% of wages and salaries is to be calculated as superannuation for every quarter * 4.75% is payroll tax of wages and salaries for every quarter * Worker compensation is 2% of salaries and wages for every quarter * For every quarter the company tax is 30% of net profit before taxes. Current Liabilities: GST: Goods and service tax is a value added tax of 10% in most services and goods, it is imposed on most of the transactions but refunded later with certain process. Fringe benefit tax: this tax is applied to most non cash benefits that an employed provides. It is imposed on the employer. Payroll tax: it is a tax paid by employers to government. It is calculated as per the wages and salaries. It is different in different states in Australia. PAYG Withholding: pay as you go withholding is a way of paying ones tax in a year should one be an employee. Income tax: it’s a most important revenue stream in Australia. Income tax is imposed in earnings. 2. * Company must be registered as per the corporation Act 2001 * Tax must be paid regularly 13% of total income. * Auditing should be done. * Financial reporting to ASIC. 3. The name of software is arrow business software creators features are user experience with standard and dynamic menus dock able panels and seamless integration to Microsoft office application. * MYOB * Quick books Both these software are impressive at what they do. But both have similar strengths and weaknesses. But after being sophisticated in the accounts of business there can be few criticisms made in one of these products as for houzit. Quick books is not supported in Apple Macs, MYOB allows multiplication inventory where as quick books fades in this character. MYOB also allows multiple entities at a time but quick book does not. Hence, after looking at all this advantages and disadvantages, I’d recommend MYOB for Houzit. 4. Matching principle : the business that adopt matching principle can accurately evaluate their pin point financial performance and profitability for a certain time by cancelling the difference in the accounting entry timings. Account groups : assets, liabilities, owners equity, revenue and expenses makes up all of the statement of financial position and statement of financial performance. They show us the budgets and also the profit/ loss. Time period : to make a sound economic and financial decision we need time period. A business needs a timely decision in today’s world. The accounting period is the period of time over which 5. The implication of probity when revising and preparing budgets is financial probity. It involves insuring that there is full accountabilities with the funds management whether or not it is transaction related or in a form of an advice. It is also important that all of it is lawfully met as far as financial responsibility is concerned. 6. The dates are listed below: * Loan of $100000 on 31 dec * Advertisement budged increased by $70000 over 2010/11 * Salaries and wages rise $172500 in 2010/11 7. The items that are recommended for inclusion in budget sheets are listed below * Water bill * Transportation * Staff amenities * Office expenses 8. The modified internal controls that could improve risk management for the company are: * We need to follow rules and regulations * Also we have to apply and implement all the procedures * The time sheets and operating hours should be noted too Explanation: The reason for the past profit and losses could be the problem of the financial management software. As per the given care study, the software that has been used was not able to provide sufficient analysis of the generated revenue and the expenses which has made poor estimates about future profits and decision making. The growing of the customer base has helping loyalty sales and also new references of upcoming customers. This has reduced the advertisement cost. However the new software system is to be used to catch up for the company’s progression more efficiently. Mathematics: CGS = 16971237 – 7297632 = 963760 REFERENCES:

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

How to Become a Good Parent

In this world, parents consider as torchlight for their children. Parents try to do everything for their children whether it is hard or easy for them. Parents gave them directions how to start their new life by themselves. To become a good parent, a person must have all good qualities which are necessary for their children. There are various steps to become a good parent. The first step is to always take care of your children properly. Parents need to give food to children at proper time in an adequate amount. Never leave them alone till age of maturity. Always keep an eye on their daily activities. Parents also need to take information about their children such as who are their friends in schools and neighborhood. They must find out are they good natured students? The second step is that parents must tell their children what is good for them or what is bad. In this way, children can remain safe without anybody else’s care. If children have already known about bad things, they never do any bad habits. They will always remain far away from bad habits like smoking and gambling. Sometimes, some students start to do bad habits because nobody told them the difference between good and bad. However, parents must tell the disadvantages of bad habits to their children. The third step is to help them in their study. Parents always help their children at the time of any difficulty in their study. Also parents need to decide whether or not children need part-time tutor for their homework. If parents can’t help their children in any difficulties regarding studies, they need to ask the teacher to teach them again on parent’s day. The fourth step is to show your love and also gave them examples of their life experiences. Parents should not shout at their children in front of others. If they will be doing this, children felt their insult and it will lessen their love towards parents. Parents should always teach them in positive way which means with a lot of love. Parents never put so many burdens on their children so that they will become like a burning candle, for example- job along with study, house responsibilities. The fifth step is to teach children, how to survive in this complicated world. Parents teach their children, how to face the difficulties in their life. The guidance and motivation always remains in the mind of children forever because they learned guidance during growing up. Parents must teach their children to think deeply before doing anything, for example- While taking any decision regarding their life goals. In conclusion, by following these steps which are take care, recognizing of bad and good habits, helping them in their study, love, a person can become a good parent. These steps will make a good parent for children who are going to start a new life. The past experiences of parents become lessons for their children in future.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Seamus Heany Childhood Poems

Seamus Heany â€Å"Examine in a range of poems the poetic significance Heany gives to his collection of childhood and early youth â€Å" Heany’s earlier poems are derived from his childhood experiences, and in particular they way he feels he relates to his family ‘Digging’ and ‘Follower’, and how he has blossomed from his upbringing ‘Death of a Naturalist. Born and brought up in a farming community in Ireland, his roots are explicitly nature based, his adoration for his father and respect for the land and his work and very prominent. In the poem ‘Digging’, watching his father at work in the garden inspires him, and inturn brings back memories of when he was young- digging within his memory. Symbolically going beyond the surface, and shifting in time as his father shifts the dirt. He recalls the rhythmic â€Å"clean rasping sound† which is all-real to him, and he conveys this well to his audience. He greatly admires and idolises his father, speaking fondly of special bonding times they shared together. â€Å"To scatter new potatoes that we picked† He changes his tone in the fifth stanza, where he reflects in awe of his grandfathers talent. He’s obviously very proud of him, and of his family’s heritage, as he boasts â€Å"My grandfather cut more turf in one day than any other man† in a way, a passion for digging, blowing its great-ness out of proportion. He creates the picture as he describes giving his granddad milk while he was working in the field one day, a particular memory that has remained fresh in his mind, recalling how he â€Å"straightened up to drink then fell right away nicking and slicing neatly† This must have made quite an impression on him as a young boy, witnessing his strength, effort and vigour of body. He again changes his tone, and matches that on the opening stanza. As he has â€Å"no spade to follow men like them, in a way conveying a sense of inadequacies, that he’s not quite good eno... Free Essays on Seamus Heany Childhood Poems Free Essays on Seamus Heany Childhood Poems Seamus Heany â€Å"Examine in a range of poems the poetic significance Heany gives to his collection of childhood and early youth â€Å" Heany’s earlier poems are derived from his childhood experiences, and in particular they way he feels he relates to his family ‘Digging’ and ‘Follower’, and how he has blossomed from his upbringing ‘Death of a Naturalist. Born and brought up in a farming community in Ireland, his roots are explicitly nature based, his adoration for his father and respect for the land and his work and very prominent. In the poem ‘Digging’, watching his father at work in the garden inspires him, and inturn brings back memories of when he was young- digging within his memory. Symbolically going beyond the surface, and shifting in time as his father shifts the dirt. He recalls the rhythmic â€Å"clean rasping sound† which is all-real to him, and he conveys this well to his audience. He greatly admires and idolises his father, speaking fondly of special bonding times they shared together. â€Å"To scatter new potatoes that we picked† He changes his tone in the fifth stanza, where he reflects in awe of his grandfathers talent. He’s obviously very proud of him, and of his family’s heritage, as he boasts â€Å"My grandfather cut more turf in one day than any other man† in a way, a passion for digging, blowing its great-ness out of proportion. He creates the picture as he describes giving his granddad milk while he was working in the field one day, a particular memory that has remained fresh in his mind, recalling how he â€Å"straightened up to drink then fell right away nicking and slicing neatly† This must have made quite an impression on him as a young boy, witnessing his strength, effort and vigour of body. He again changes his tone, and matches that on the opening stanza. As he has â€Å"no spade to follow men like them, in a way conveying a sense of inadequacies, that he’s not quite good eno...

Monday, October 21, 2019

MLA Style Parenthetical Citations

MLA Style Parenthetical Citations Many high school teachers  require students to use MLA format  for their papers.  When a teacher requires a certain style, it means they expect you to follow guidelines for formatting  line spacing, margins, and the  title page  in a specific way. Your teacher may provide a style guide. As you write your paper in MLA format, you will be referencing things you found in your research and will need to indicate exactly where you found the information. As an alternative to  using footnotes (which are common in Chicago format),  this can be done with parenthetical citations. These  are brief  notations that explain where you found your facts. Any time you make reference to someone elses idea, either through paraphrasing or quoting them directly, you must provide this notation. It will include  the author’s name and the page number from their work. Here is an example of parenthetical citation: Even today, many children are born outside the safety of hospitals (Kasserman 182). This indicates that you are using information found in a book by somebody named Kasserman (last name) and it was found on page 182. You may also give the same information in another way if you want to name the author in your sentence. You might want to do this to add variety to your paper: According to Laura Kasserman, â€Å"many children today do not benefit from the sanitary conditions which are available in modern facilities† (182). Many children are born outside the safety of hospitals. Be sure to use quotation marks when quoting someone directly.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Phrasal Verbs with Stand

Phrasal Verbs with Stand Phrasal Verbs with Stand Phrasal Verbs with Stand By Maeve Maddox The comment of a new U.S. resident telling about how he obtained residency got me thinking about the difficulties that ESL learners must have with phrasal verbs built on stand: A Vincentian priest at the parish stood in for me as a witness when I became a resident. With the help of several people in the church I got my work permit and became a citizen.† The grammar is unexceptionable, but the expression â€Å"stood in for me† conveys an unintended meaning. The new resident means that the priest â€Å"sponsored† or â€Å"testified for† him, but the idiom â€Å"to stand in for† means â€Å"to take the place of someone†: Paul Walkers brothers stand in for actor’s final scenes for Fast Furious 7 movie Cyril Ramaphosa to stand in for Zuma at briefing To convey the sense of sponsorship or testimony, one would say, â€Å"stand for witness,† â€Å"stand as witness,† or â€Å"stand up for†: At their hurried marriage, only a little boy stood for witness. I stand as witness for a sixteen-year-old boy I never met. My sister stood up for me at my wedding. â€Å"Stand up† can also mean, â€Å"fail to keep an appointment†: Her date stood her up at the last minute. A person â€Å"stands for† office. Countries and people â€Å"stand by,† â€Å"stand with,† or â€Å"stand up for† their friends: US says it will stand by allies against China The state of South Carolina is now offering drivers licenses that read: South Carolina Stands with Israel Students Stand Up for Football Coach Banned From Praying With Team As a verb, â€Å"stand by† means â€Å"to wait in readiness.† The noun stand-by means â€Å"a state of readiness: Police asked to stand by in case of trouble. Canteens on Stand-By to Respond to Tropical Storm Debby Egypt celebrates anniversary as army remains on stand-by Emergency services on standby to treat fans in Manaus â€Å"Stand by† also means, â€Å"to look on without intervening†: Pakistani Woman Beaten To Death By Her Family As Police Stand By We simply cannot afford to stand by while drugs, crime, corruption and terrorism devastate this already vulnerable region. As an imperative, â€Å"Stand by† means â€Å"wait for further developments†: Were Experiencing Technical Difficulties Please Stand By Many of these phrasal verbs are used with a literal meaning that is clear from the context: Stand aside so I can stay on the sidewalk. Stand up when the Queen enters the room. Stand back so the water doesn’t hit you. Here are a few more phrasal verbs built on stand: stand on: maintain â€Å"I stand on my decision.† stand aside/stand back: get out of the way If you can’t do the job as manager, stand aside/back and let me do it. stand for: represent, tolerate Superman stands for truth, justice, and the American Way. The boss won’t stand for repeated tardiness. stand out: be noticeable Wear something plain so you won’t stand out. stand up to: defend against, challenge, refuse to submit Next time George tries to take your lunch money, stand up to him. stand between: present a barrier His mother claims she doesn’t want to stand between them, but every time they set a date, she gets sick. stand down: leave the witness box; relax; withdraw. The witness was told to stand down. Police ordered to stand down as city burned. stand off: keep at distance The patrol stood off the enemy for three hours. Phrasal verbs represent only a small number of idioms that employ the word stand. A great many additional stand expressions remain to be discussed in another post. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Expressions category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:50 Idioms About TalkingPeople versus Persons150 Foreign Expressions to Inspire You

Saturday, October 19, 2019

S Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

S Project - Essay Example Many chemicals and makeup products are designed to reduce the signs of aging on the outward appearance by covering up blemishes and unwanted wrinkles on our skin. In the long run, the decisions we make today can greatly impact our ability to combat the effects of the natural aging process. â€Å"9† The fashion industry has changed in recent years, especially in the United States. It no longer focuses on providing goods that are made right here in the U.S., but garments and products are made using cheap labor in foreign countries and then imported back to the United States. This allows companies to garner a greater gross profit than by paying for more expensive labor in America. The problem is that many organizations are being flagged for allegations that the work environments are incredibly terrible and actually border on engaging in many human rights violations. Still, the industry as a whole remains a multi-billion dollar industry and will continue to grow so long as there are customers willing to purchase clothes, accessories, makeup, and other goods and services to improve our outward

LASA 2 - The Case For or Against New Orleans Study

LASA 2 - The For or Against New Orleans - Case Study Example Objectives This research and case study aims to establish the facts about the damages caused by Hurricane Katrina, considering both the short-term losses as well as the long-term potential losses in the event that nothing or little is done to reconstruct and prevent a similar calamity. On the basis of facts, it also aims to discover advantages and disadvantages, risks and opportunities of substantial investments which will be required to allow New Orleans to prevent another level-5 disaster. Finally, a Cost-Benefit Analysis will be formulated to arrive at a recommended decision about the budget that should be allocated for the reconstruction. Alternative Courses of Action A. Proceed with funding the ongoing development of New Orleans until Level 5 standards are achieved. B. Cut down the funding and stagger developments in New Orleans. C. Stop funding the NOLA development. Areas of Consideration and Analysis Risks Involved By reconstructing the levee with a standard capable of withsta nding a Level 5 hurricane similar to Katrina, the substantial productivity of New Orleans will not be stopped as it did when 400,000 people evacuated the place and 124,000 lost their jobs. ... Costs and Benefits What are the costs and benefits of the New Orleans Flood Protection System, according to Hallegatte, Stephanie (2005)? As to the effects of climate change, it includes the increase of intensity in the power of hurricanes (p.5). This implies a greater need for stronger and higher levees to protect New Orleans against another major flood. The estimated cost from the viewpoint of local officials was $ 32 billion. Another estimate which considered loss of human lives and the views of insurance companies amounted to $ 30 billion. Hallegatte admitted that the basis for calculating the justifiable budget was not solidly grounded (p.4). This was apparently due to a failure to consider the productivity of people in the area which would cease to be delivered if the workers of New Orleans decide not to be established in New Orleans. In a study of workers’ productivity, the report cited that Americans are most productive on the average per worker. Each one can produce à ¢â‚¬Å"$63,885 of wealth per year, more than their counterparts in all other countries, the International Labor Organization said in its report. Ireland comes in second at $55,986, followed by Luxwmbourg at $55,641, Belgium at $ 55,235 and France at $ 54,609.† according to Klapper, Bradley S. (2007) of Associated Press. This opportunity loss should be the major basis for deciding to what extent New Orleans should be rebuilt, for the simple reason that $63,885 x 124,000 people who lost their jobs = $ 7.9 billion per year. In 130 years, which is the number of years it might take before another major flood tries to destroy a reconstructed New Orleans, the workers of New Orleans will have produced $ 1.027 Trillion worth of wealth for the USA. In another report about

Friday, October 18, 2019

Research proposal Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Research proposal - Dissertation Example The errors encountered while trying to understand a second language are dependent on the method (s) of acquisition. Learning is not as faster as being taught in class. On the best possible way to teach a second language, several errors are realized while teaching a second language and thus the context should be set through the adoption of several teachings methods with more emphasis on the topic, the presenter and the setting. There is very little evidence on the errors experienced while trying to learn a second language. Statement of the Problem There is very little literature if any on errors of learning a second language and hence this proposal. However, Krashen, S. D. (1981) in his research study title principles and practice in second language learning points out that learning a new language depends on the feeling of correctness. Krashen developed several hypotheses and tried to prove them qualitatively arguing that quantitative research design may not give all that it is expect ed as directed by the research questions. To Krashen, the errors encountered while trying to understand a second language are dependent on the method (s) of acquisition. Learning is not as faster as being taught in class. Cook, V. (2000) in support of Krashen’s arguments points that learning a second language with success depends on the willingness and ability to graps the first language. To Cook, the in-ability to learn the first language means that learning a second language may be difficult. To gain a deeper understanding of the perceived errors in learning a second language, Cook employed the use of a sample from an entire population of non-English students in a linguist setting using stratified sampling for uniformity of the results. They were then required to read aloud several English words while recording their different scents. Cook was able to detect that, those that had acquired the English language by being taught has grasped it with finality while those that had learned on themselves were not that proficient. Banes (2002) in his research on the best possible way to teach a second language sums up saying that several errors are realized while teaching a second language and thus the context should be set through the adoption of several teachings methods with more emphasis on the topic, the presenter and the setting. The above citations are proof that there is very little evidence on the errors experienced while trying to learn a second language. Aims and Objectives The aims of the proposed study include; Establishing the impact of second language learning among Saudis; and Gauging perceptions of Saudis in relation to second language learning. This will be aimed at; Identifying the errors involved in learning a second language; Enabling policy makers to take a holistic approach in the learning systems; Identify key hindrances to second learning; and Proposing strategies/policies to the education sector; Sensitizing Saudis on the advantages of second language learning and the common errors made. Research Questions In the conducting the research, the researcher aims at answering the following research questions; Are Saudis aware of the advantages of learning a second

Pride and Prejudice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Pride and Prejudice - Essay Example Such is one major issue which Elizabeth â€Å"Lizzy† Bennet, the story’s main protagonist, has to deal with in the course of having resolution sought to her initial unfavorable impressions of the male counterpart Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy while portraying a significant role in the lives and matrimonial affairs of her sisters, especially Jane Bennet. The intricate narrative structure of â€Å"Pride and Prejudice† concerning general manners, education, moral standards, and breeding is set in the fictitious Netherfield Park where the Bennet family resides, particularly in Longbourn. Netherfield is claimed in the novel to be part of Hertfordshire, a county close to London where the arrival of the Bingleys takes place. Austen must have chosen a setting at the countryside in which people of rustic livelihood may be reasonably expected to yearn for occasions of social gatherings like balls or parties which the ladies of the town are specifically delighted with. Under these circumstances would Lizzy Bennet and Mr. Darcy cross paths and begin finding a great deal of conflict as they misjudge each other based on attitudes which are apparently confined within their narrow prejudices. This eventually creates the essence of the theme wherein the traits associated with the ‘pride’ and ‘prejudice’ both of Lizzy and Mr. Darcy are intended to figure a realistic rather than a romantic mode of settlement toward the end. â€Å"Pride and Prejudice† progresses in stages to illustrate the backgrounds and influences crucial to the well-being of the principal characters so that in the process, readers can manage to gain understanding of certain events that occur in a proper English society and how they are dealt with or responded to by people of class, normally by virtue of pride. On one hand Lizzy, being on the extreme end of thought and contemplation of matters, is characterized to possess a modest yet stiff countenance that reflects her high intellectual capacity and seemingly logical suspicion of the hypocrisies and sarcasm in her environment as exemplified in the condescending acts of Miss Bingley and Mrs. Hurst. Mr. Darcy, on the contrary, is featured as a wealthy man utterly reserved and cautious as he maintains quality of stature and pride that he appears incapable of mingling with the ordinary people, inclusive of the Bennets, for which upon Lizzy’s prejudiced observation, he becomes coldly labelled as insensitive despite all achievements and unknown sentiments. Evidently, how Lizzy’s nature functions in the story manifests Austen’s preference to be recognized according to the perspectives of the age of reason. Though she can be felt to acknowledge implicitly the beauty that emerges out of the sweet embellished form of romance between Jane and Mr. Bingley, for the type of novelist she is, Austen greatly considers philosophy in her work and this is naturally conveyed via the rational i nstead of emotional approach the moment Lizzy confronts Mr. Darcy and his gradual move of proposing and expressing affections for Elizabeth. During a dramatic private conversation with Jane, Lizzy confesses: â€Å"Do not be afraid of my running into any excess, of my encroaching on your privilege of universal good will –

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Education in britain Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Education in britain - Essay Example ey have a high standard of teaching, and efficient facilities that improve on the quality of teachings conducted by these institutions (Clughen, 2012). On this basis, almost every student who passes through private schooling will qualify for a place in some of the British prestigious institutions. In Britain, it is mandatory for girls and boys to attend full time learning until they reach the ages of 16 years. However, majority of students stay at school after the ages of 16 years for purposes of preparing themselves to attend university education, or for purposes of advancing their careers. In private schools, students usually finish their education when they reach the ages of 18 years, and almost all these students usually qualify to attend a university education at a prestigious university institution (Clughen, 2012). In 1988, Britain introduced a national curriculum whereby all schools that are funded by the state must follow (Smith, 2012). This national curriculum targets students who are of ages 5 to 18 years old. However, it is not mandatory for private school institutions to follow this curriculum. But, these private institutions have to prove that they offer an all round education system, and therefore, they are inspected on a regular basis. At state schools, every year of study has a number, for instance, primary education begins with year 1. Secondary education on the other hand begins with year 7, and majority of students begin their secondary education when they are of ages 11 years. However, in some private schools, children begin their secondary education when they are of age 13 years that is in year 9 of their studies. At the end of the fourth key stage that is in year 11 children usually take a series of examinations referred to as the GCSE. This examination usually comprises of between 8 to 10 subjects, and these subjects include Mathematics, English, Science, Religious studies, etc. At the fifth key stage, students usually take an advanced

Nietzsche and Sartre are each concerned about the definition of self Assignment

Nietzsche and Sartre are each concerned about the definition of self - Assignment Example This puts every experience that man undergoes to be subject to his own limited understanding. In a sense, this implies that human emotion blows out of proportion due to their own limited understanding of the situation. Nietzsche, on the other hand, elaborates another philosopher’s discovery when he acknowledges self being the value one puts on himself. He agrees that all that man discovers are â€Å"human faculties†. The transcendental aspect christened â€Å"intellectual intuition† by Schelling gratifies the utmost yearnings of human beings. This view of self allows man to pursue his desire oblivious of the outcome as he is a slave to emotion and only aims at actualizing the goal. Both philosophers agree that the definition of self is subjective rather than objective. The essence is to allow each person to define his own boundaries and limits. These might be shaped up by human experience, environment, emotions and individual human fears, but still give credence to the Nietzsche’s and Sartre’s view of self. This is the conclusion that self is the value one ultimately puts on himself; strengths and weaknesses remain relative in all

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Education in britain Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Education in britain - Essay Example ey have a high standard of teaching, and efficient facilities that improve on the quality of teachings conducted by these institutions (Clughen, 2012). On this basis, almost every student who passes through private schooling will qualify for a place in some of the British prestigious institutions. In Britain, it is mandatory for girls and boys to attend full time learning until they reach the ages of 16 years. However, majority of students stay at school after the ages of 16 years for purposes of preparing themselves to attend university education, or for purposes of advancing their careers. In private schools, students usually finish their education when they reach the ages of 18 years, and almost all these students usually qualify to attend a university education at a prestigious university institution (Clughen, 2012). In 1988, Britain introduced a national curriculum whereby all schools that are funded by the state must follow (Smith, 2012). This national curriculum targets students who are of ages 5 to 18 years old. However, it is not mandatory for private school institutions to follow this curriculum. But, these private institutions have to prove that they offer an all round education system, and therefore, they are inspected on a regular basis. At state schools, every year of study has a number, for instance, primary education begins with year 1. Secondary education on the other hand begins with year 7, and majority of students begin their secondary education when they are of ages 11 years. However, in some private schools, children begin their secondary education when they are of age 13 years that is in year 9 of their studies. At the end of the fourth key stage that is in year 11 children usually take a series of examinations referred to as the GCSE. This examination usually comprises of between 8 to 10 subjects, and these subjects include Mathematics, English, Science, Religious studies, etc. At the fifth key stage, students usually take an advanced

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

How americans negotiate and how europeans negotiate Research Paper

How americans negotiate and how europeans negotiate - Research Paper Example Negotiations can be also considered from another point of view. There are many opinions concerning the issue how cultural differences influence the process of negotiations. Some scholars state that there are common rules for behavior during the negotiations, special frames, which dictate how people should act (Foster, 1992). Thus, according to such point of view there are should be no connections between the negotiations and cultural backgrounds as everybody should follow common rules no matter what country he/she may be from. At the same time other researchers insist on the important role of cultural differences, because in different countries there are different rules of behavior, which influence negotiations. In order to reveal how the cultural peculiarities affect the negotiations, it is essential to compare the peculiarities of conducting negotiations in two different countries and investigate the distinctive features of the both. The cross-cultural studies can help resolve the issue connected with the controversy. In such a way you will be able to see and analyze the nation’s strong and weak sides and predict negotiations’ perspectives of this or that side. The main mission of cross-cultural studies lies in the comparison of likenesses and differences of the countries or nations. This research is very useful and can bring beneficial results. By means of cross-cultural studies we can compare and understand different values, patterns, attitudes and methods of the negotiations, which belong to different cultures. In order to create the hypothesis that refers to the influences and interferences of negotiations, it is necessary to consider and compare different cross-cultural studies. It is proved that every culture has its own unique method of negotiating. Some use direct or simple method of communication, and others apply typical indirect and complex way. It is important to take into account that every nation is unique and every nation has its own outlook. The same things and concepts can be understood differently by the representatives of different countries and this aspect should be taken into account. â€Å"the methods of negotiation vary with culture. Some people may adopt a more direct or simple method of communication, whereas others may adopt a method that is more indirect or complex. Each culture has its own standards, and one behavior that has a certain meaning in a certain culture could be interpreted differently in another† (Chang 2006: 135). For example, people may address each other differently. To call person by the family name can be considered rude in such countries as France, Japan, Egypt while in the U.S. and Australia it is pretty acceptable form of communication. One should remember that if you are going have to negotiate with a person or a group of people from different states you have to learn about their culture and traditions beforehand not to spoil the impression at once. If the impression is spoiled because of cultural differences, the results of negotiations may not be positive and desirable. Every culture has its principles and beliefs and they play an important role in the process of negotiating. If cultural differences influence or even program the behavioral peculiarities, it is clear that there is a barrier in communication process of people with different cultural backgrounds. There are a number of factors that suffer from communicative difficulties such as attitude,

Monday, October 14, 2019

Aristotle view on politics Essay Example for Free

Aristotle view on politics Essay Political science studies the tasks of the politician or statesman (politikos), in much the way that medical science concerns the work of the physician (see Politics IV. 1). It is, in fact, the body of knowledge that such practitioners, if truly expert, will also wield in pursuing their tasks. The most important task for the politician is, in the role of lawgiver (nomothetes), to frame the appropriate constitution for the city-state. This involves enduring laws, customs, and institutions (including a system of moral education) for the citizens. Once the constitution is in place, the politician needs to take the appropriate measures to maintain it, to introduce reforms when he finds them necessary, and to prevent developments which might subvert the political system. This is the province of legislative science, which Aristotle regards as more important than politics as exercised in everyday political activity such as the passing of decrees (see EN VI. 8). Aristotle frequently compares the politician to a craftsman. The analogy is imprecise because politics, in the strict sense of legislative science, is a form of practical knowledge, while a craft like architecture or medicine is a form of productive knowledge. However, the comparison is valid to the extent that the politician produces, operates, maintains a legal system according to universal principles (EN VI. 8 and X. 9). In order to appreciate this analogy it is helpful to observe that Aristotle explains the production of an artifact in terms of four causes: the material, formal, efficient, and final causes (Phys.II. 3 and Met. A. 2). For example, clay (material cause) is molded into a vase shape (formal cause) by a potter (efficient or moving cause) so that it can contain liquid (final cause). (For discussion of the four causes see the entry on Aristotles physics. ) One can also explain the existence of the city-state in terms of the four causes. It is a kind of community (koinonia), that is, a collection of parts having some functions and interests in common (Pol. II. 1. 1261a18, III. 1. 1275b20). Hence, it is made up of parts, which Aristotle describes in various ways in different contexts: as households, or economic classes (e. g. , the rich and the poor), or demes (i. e. , local political units). But, ultimately, the city-state is composed of individual citizens (see III. 1. 1274a38–41), who, along with natural resources, are the â€Å"material† or â€Å"equipment† out of which the city-state is fashioned (see VII. 14. 1325b38-41). The formal cause of the city-state is its constitution (politeia). Aristotle defines the constitution as â€Å"a certain ordering of the inhabitants of the city-state† (III. 1. 1274b32-41). He also speaks of the constitution of a community as â€Å"the form of the compound† and argues that whether the community is the same over time depends on whether it has the same constitution (III. 3. 1276b1–11). The constitution is not a written document, but an immanent organizing principle, analogous to the soul of an organism. Hence, the constitution is also â€Å"the way of life† of the citizens (IV. 11.1295a40-b1, VII. 8. 1328b1-2). Here the citizens are that minority of the resident population who possess full political rights (III. 1. 1275b17–20). The existence of the city-state also requires an efficient cause, namely, its ruler. On Aristotles view, a community of any sort can possess order only if it has a ruling element or authority. This ruling principle is defined by the constitution, which sets criteria for political offices, particularly the sovereign office (III. 6. 1278b8–10; cf. IV. 1. 1289a15–18). However, on a deeper level, there must be an efficient cause to explain why a city-state acquires its constitution in the first place. Aristotle states that â€Å"the person who first established [the city-state] is the cause of very great benefits† (I. 2. 1253a30–1). This person was evidently the lawgiver (nomothetes), someone like Solon of Athens or Lycurgus of Sparta, who founded the constitution. Aristotle compares the lawgiver, or the politician more generally, to a craftsman (demiourgos) like a weaver or shipbuilder, who fashions material into a finished product (II.12. 1273b32–3, VII. 4. 1325b40–1365a5). The notion of final cause dominates Aristotles Politics from the opening lines: Since we see that every city-state is a sort of community and that every community is established for the sake of some good (for everyone does everything for the sake of what they believe to be good), it is clear that every community aims at some good, and the community which has the most authority of all and includes all the others aims highest, that is, at the good with the most authority. This is what is called the city-state or political community. [I. 1. 1252a1–7] Soon after, he states that the city-state comes into being for the sake of life but exists for the sake of the good life (2. 1252b29–30). The theme that the good life or happiness is the proper end of the city-state recurs throughout the Politics (III. 6. 1278b17-24, 9. 1280b39; VII. 2. 1325a7–10). To sum up, the city-state is a hylomorphic (i. e., matter-form) compound of a particular population (i. e. , citizen-body) in a given territory (material cause) and a constitution (formal cause). The constitution itself is fashioned by the lawgiver and is governed by politicians, who are like craftsmen (efficient cause), and the constitution defines the aim of the city-state (final cause, IV. 1. 1289a17–18). For a further discussion of this topic, see the following supplementary document:

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Most Critical Talents a Teacher Must Possess :: Patience Creativity Adaptability Teaching Essays

The Most Critical Talents a Teacher Must Possess A.) In my opinion, the three most critical talents a teacher must possess are patience, creativity, and adaptability. Through the years I have grown to understand the saying, â€Å"Patience is a virtue.† I feel it is a gift to have the patience to work with a large group of children, whose needs and abilities range at different levels. Everyone becomes frustrated during his/her profession, but a teacher must have the ability to hide those frustrations so the happiness of every child will be ensured. Most people associate creativity directly to artists and musicians because of their natural born talent. Not all teachers can draw or sing, however their minds are creative. Teachers are given a curriculum full of skills and concepts that their students must master by years end. Therefore, it is the responsibility of an educator to engage the children in as many exciting and fun learning experiences as their imaginations can foster. Adaptability, the power to change easily to fit different conditions, is a critical talent that a teacher must possess in the classroom. If a lesson is unsuccessful and the students are confused on the skill that is being stressed, a teacher must adapt to the learning situation. By changing his/her approach to the material, students become enabled to better comprehend what is being taught. As a first year teacher, I feel I possess all three of these critical talents. B.) Though my experiences in the classroom are limited to my first year teaching and student teaching, I have always contemplated how I would use technology as a source of learning. My plan is to incorporate the use of technology through learning centers, since they will be a vital part of my classroom. A computer station will provide students exposure to programs that are age appropriate. These programs will focus on areas of mathematics and reading, both of which are crucial to a child’s education. Some programs I have implemented are Reader Rabbit’s Kindergarten, Dr. Seuss Kindergarten, and Math Circus. A listening center adds a real-life dimension to the stories because they make the books come alive for children. During my kindergarten practicum I incorporated a listening area that contained a listening post with headphones, a tape recorder, and sometimes a compact disc player. The area also contained tapes of books and the actual stories to which the students listened.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Napster :: essays research papers

Napster Napster is a music-sharing service that serves people with downloadable software for their computer and allows the download of almost any music from around the world. The Webster’s Universal and Thesaurus, says that the definition of music is: Music: harmony, melody, symphony. The basic idea of Napster is for anyone who wants to listen to music. However, the argument about Napster is that it is a directory service that allows users to transfer music files from music labels that have not signed a deal with Napster. The music industry feels they are losing money because there are devices known as CD-RW and this allows for the burning of homemade compact discs with songs that Napster provides. Besides the music industry, there are bands that feel that due to Napster's popularity; they are losing money that they work for. The music industry feels that if people are burning there own compact discs at a cheap rate then the music company are going to lose money. In the following paper I will discuss why people use Napster, why there is a problem with the use of Napster, and how the service can be used legally. The idea of Napster was started by a freshman at Northeastern University in January 1999. In May 1999 Napster took shape as one of the most used computer software around. From the Napster web site you easily download the software. The software then connects you with millions of users who have the song you are searching for. After you find the song you can start the download process and download that song onto your computer. One negative aspect of Napster is that the songs you download mostly take a long time to download, depending on your connection speed, and take up a lot of space in your memory. After you download the song you can then make your own compact disc if you have the right equipment that is. The equipment needed is a compact disc burner and the recordable compact discs. You then are able to distribute the songs and only have paid a fourth of the price that you would have paid if you had bought the compact disc from a music store (Napster). Many bands and music labels have sued the people behind Napster. The music industry is saying that Napster breaks copyright laws by allowing people to spread music without the proper authorization for usage.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Management and Supply Flow Project: VWoA Case

Matulovic, the new CIO, has two primary concerns at VWoA: defining governance and establishing development process directives. However, Matulovic is in a difficult situation; he faces inadequate funding, new business architecture and increasing pressure from his peers. His circumstances are predictable given the history of IT consideration, by VWoA, as a source of overhead and the highly unpredictable U.S. market for Volkswagen Group. Matulovic’s biggest hurdle is in regards to the capped funding that has been determined by the parent company (Volkswagen Audi Group). VWAG allotted VWoA only $60 million, out of the requested $210 million, for IT projects.Given the scope of VWoA initiatives, the amount is far from adequate. However, at the time, there were no additional funds available. The procedure for deciding which projects will receive funding is streamlined by a new prioritization process. This process for managing IT priorities is part of a new business architecture desig ned to align organizational activity with corporate goals and strategy. During the first few years of any new policy or procedure there are bound to be unforeseen complications. The largest glitch was how the new process did not account for â€Å"behind the curtain† programs such as the intercontinental Supply Flow Project.The Supply Flow Project should absolutely receive funding. The cost should not come entirely from VWoA, but allocated amongst the global Volkswagen group of companies. This project is critical to Volkswagen’s global supply chain management and their goals. Successful global integration not only promises company wide savings, but plays an underlying role in customer satisfaction and loyalty, the number one corporate goal. This Supply Flow Project is already underway and needs additional funding for a timely completion. The new funding prioritization process overlooked such programs as this, primarily because the benefits achieved were at the global le vel. Because of the widespread benefits, all global constituents should contribute to the project’s financing.Matulovic, along with the supply flow group in Germany, should combine forces and present their case to VWAG for separate and additional funding for the Supply Flow Project. Due to situations like the Supply Flow Project’s lacking â€Å"qualifications† to receive adequate funding, opponents claim the new system is â€Å"too theoretical† and may not be conducive to VWoA operations.True or not, this cannot be properly determined in the first year of the prioritization process implementation. Furthermore, with a capped spending amount, there are bound to be a few disgruntled individuals whose project did not receive the proper funding. These discontented members of the Executive Leadership Team may not agree, but must realize it is a part of doing business. Furthermore, it is a way of doing business that they all previously agreed to. Matulovic shoul d proceed as formerly agreed, with the business architecture output â€Å"blueprint† which plays a vital role in formalizing governance and prioritization processes.1. Who controls the budgets from which IT projects are funded at Volkswagen of America? The budgets for IT projects were controlled through a process that involves several organizational entities that establish priorities. There were four specific teams that were involved in this process: the ELT (Executive Leadership Team), the ITSC (IT Steering Committee), the PMO (Project Management Office), and the DBC (Digital Business Council.)The ELT was responsible for executing the NRG (Next Round of Growth) strategy in which the IT governance is a part. The ITSC consisted of business and IT managers and was responsible for guiding and approving the process of IT project selection and prioritization. The PMO administered the project proposal and approval process. The DBC was responsible for the project filtering process w hich decided which projects were most in line with the companies business strategy.2. What is your assessment of the new process for managing priorities at Volkswagen of America? Are the criticisms justified? Is it an improvement over the old process? The new IT priority management process was driven by the new IT budget constraint given to VWoA by the parent company VWAG. If the new budgetary constraint was not initiated, it is likely that elements of the former less organized and less centralized method would be maintained.In the end, this may benefit the individual business units, but be detrimental to the business as a whole. In creating the new process, Matulovic enabled the business unit managers to work together to make the  decisions that would effect their departments using the overall company strategy as the driving element. In doing this, he succeeded in involving all of the managers that would be affected by the prioritization system while maintaining the executive lea dership team’s strategic goals. This new system was a substantial improvement over the former system.3. On page 8 we see that $16 million of the $60 budget is for SIB projects, under the spending direction of Matulovic; on page 1 we see that some people consider this unfair – is it? Should budget be â€Å"set aside† for IT projects? Why? The budget allocated for the SIB (Stay in Business) projects (business continuity and legal) should receive the highest priority.As denoted by the name, if any of these projects are incomplete or fail, the risk to the business is substantial compared to business unit priorities. However, the amount budgeted may be a point that could be questioned. Instead of predetermining the amount required, he should have submitted the SIB to the same process as all of the other projects which would have reduced or eliminated the business unit manager’s perception that Matulovic was trying to control company strategy.4. How should Matu lovic respond to his fellow executives who are calling to ask him for special treatment outside the new priority management system? What should Matulovic do about the unfunded Supply Flow project? Matulovic created a well organized system that focused on company goals. His fellow executives were involved in the IT priority decision making and the company expectation is that business unit managers also support company goals.If they think that these goals in relation to their requests does not make sense, then they had the opportunity in this process to voice their concerns to the one of the process teams (the ELT,ITSC,PMO, and/or the DBC), not to Matulovic himself. Because the Supply Flow project is tied into global strategy, Matulovic should propose that the funding for this project come from VWAG.5. In general, what characteristics should a process for deciding about funding of IT projects have? General characteristics that an IT funding process should have: – Involve all of those who will be affected by the funding decisions in the process. – Align IT funding priorities with company strategy.– Enable communication between business units depending on the funding and between those units and executive management.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

OMD Project Management Essay

Background Information: OMD Project Management is a consultancy that provides construction project management for its clients. OMD Project Management was set up approximately eighteen months ago and has a staff of three. They have access to a large skill base, which may be called upon as required to satisfy project conditions. This helps to reduce overheads and increase profit ability. The works include the following services: * measured surveys, * Schedule of condition (report on the state of the building, identifying any areas that will incur rectification at the clients cost. * Lease appraisal (review legal documents on clients behalf) * Cost estimate of works. * Tender works to specialist contractors * Manage projects * Agree final costs of the project with contractors on behalf of client * Ensure statutory regulations are complied with (planning approvals building regulations and disabled discrimination act) Although OMD Project management is a small company it has a large client base. These vary from large multi-national companies to small private businesses. They specialise with the retail sector where they have at least twenty years of experience Problem: A current issue that the company has is invoicing. Invoicing currently can take up to an hour to complete. Invoicing is currently done by hand and on paper, this is not a very efficient way of doing this job because it takes up too much time and human error is often an issue. These errors can include charging too much or too little money. By providing an invoice system it would save the company large amounts of time an effort. It would also reduce the amount of human error and increase the accuracy of the invoice. Current Invoice System: OMD project management currently do all of their invoicing on paper. This means that the consultant will remember his hours his expenses and his hourly rate in his head and when it comes around to invoicing the client he will type all of these things up on to Microsoft word, print it off and give it to the client so the are able to pay the company. As you could gather this is a very inefficient way of invoicing the client. This can also lead to large amount of errors during the invoicing process, for example a client may be under charged or over charged. End User Skills: The main user of the document that I will create is of the older generation. He prefers to do things the ‘old fashioned’ way, this means that he likes to do his invoicing on paper using a calculator and a pen and it would currently take him longer to create an invoice on the computer than it would for him to do it on paper, however he is not total computer illiterate and he is able to use most word processing and spread sheet programmes. OMD Project Management would like to me to create an invoice system that is simple yet effective so that he is able to save time by moving his invoice system onto computer and they would also like me to create a system that is able to be used by everyone in the company. Requirements: General: * The invoice must be in Lucida sans console. * The text must be black in colour * The program must be user friendly * The company logo must be at the top of the invoice * The client’s address must be at the top left of the page but lower than the logo. * The invoice number should be on the left hand side of the page and below the address. * A breakdown of the invoice should be in the middle of the page just below the invoice number. * The total, in bold, will go underneath the invoice breakdown. * The company address will go at the bottom of the page. * It must look professional. Qualitative: * The program must be able to hold all of the different types of expenses. * The program must be able to hold different types of jobs. * The program must double up as an estimating system. * The program must produce an accurate invoice. * The program must hold different client addresses Quantitative: * From start to finish the invoice must only take 15 minutes. * The invoice must be able to hold 3 different types of jobs * The program must be able to hold at least 20 different client addresses Hardware and Software: There is a currently a huge amount of hardware available on the market. You can buy many different types of computer each one suitable for a different purpose, for example laptops are portable and can be taken anywhere, this can be very convenient as the user is able to do his work anywhere and also with the invention of wireless technology the user can connect to the internet anywhere that wireless internet is available. Another type of PC that is available is desktop PC. This is a PC that stays stationary. This type of PC gives you a lot more room to type etc and also has a mouse as standard, these can be permanently linked up to a printer and/or the internet. The current system that OMD Project management runs is a Compaq Presario with an Intel Pentium 4 processor. OMD Project Management feels that there is no need to purchase a new system because they feel that their current system is sufficient and suitable for the job in hand. There are many different types of software that is suitable for this project. I believe that the most appropriate is a spreadsheet package. This is because you are able to use the program to calculate lots of different things. With a bit of self teaching you are able to use the program to do lots of different processes. OMD Project Management already has Microsoft office XP installed on their system and they feel that I should use Microsoft Excel to create their invoice system. This is so that it is compatible with their system. I believe that this is a good choice as Excel is more than adequate for the task in hand. Input: Enter the job type code Enter all the things to with the amount of work done: * The number of days worked. * Enter the correct code that corresponds to the appropriate price paid per day Enter all the relevant expenses details: * The number of miles travelled and the number of nights stayed in a hotel. Enter the code for the desired client address Enter the client addresses. * Code number * Address line 1 * Address line 2 * postcode * contact number Process: Lookup the type of job according to the code and multiply the rate of pay by the number of days worked. Calculate the amount of expenses owed for travelling. Calculate the amount of expenses owed for staying in hotels. Calculate sub-total, VAT and the final total. Output: A full invoice with the amount owed for work done and the amount owed for expenses with sub-totals, VAT added and the final total at the end. It should also display the company logo, company address, company logo and the client address. It should look professional. Test Strategy: I will test my program in three different ways. I will ask my end user to use my new system and ask them to give me feedback on it so I am able to adjust it to their liking. Also I will devise tests that will be conducted during and after the implementation stage this will allow me to improve my system greatly and identify any errors that are in my system. Test Number Test Test Data Expected Outcome Actual Outcome Corrective Action 1a b c Check date Validation rule. Normal 10/08/05 Extreme 32/08/05 Erroneous 374hcbsi Will accept Data. Won’t accept the date. Should not accept this As expected As expected As expected 2 Check that the formula has worked to calculate the sub-total. N/A The sum of the total money owed for work and expenses. As expected 3 Check that the formula for working out the VAT works. N/A The product of the sub-total multiplied by 17.5%. As expected 4 Check that the formula for working out the total works. N/A The sum of the sub-total and the VAT. As expected 5 a b c Check the lookup function works for the job type code number. Normal 2 Extreme 4 Erroneous 224hsdnsg It should return à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½315.00. It comes up with an error message It should come up with an error message. As expected It comes up with à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½275 which is the value for 3 As expected Put a validation rule on it so that no number higher than 3 can be entered. 6 Check that the formula for working out the total amount of money owed for work done works. N/A The product of the price paid per day and the number of days worked. As expected 7 Check that formula for calculating travel expenses works. N/A The product of the price per mile and the number of miles travelled. As expected 8 Check that formula for calculating the amount of money owed for staying in hotels. N/A The product of the price paid per night and the number of nights stayed. As expected 9 Check that formula for calculating the total expenses owed for works. N/A The sum of the amount owed for travelling and the amount owed for hotels As expected 10 Check that the summary page macro button works. N/A The button takes you to the summary page. As expected 11 Check that the breakdown page macro button works. N/A The button takes you to the breakdown page. As expected 12 Check that the job type page macro button works. N/A The button takes you to the job type page. As expected 13 Check that the client address page macro button works. N/A The button takes you to client address page As expected 14 Check that the clear invoice/summary macro button works. N/A The button clears all of the entries that are on the invoice. As expected 15 Check that clear breakdown macro button works. N/A The button will clear all of the entries that are on the summary sheet. As expected 16 Check that the back to main menu macro button on the breakdown sheet works. N/A The button will take you back to the main menu page. As expected 17 Check that the back to main menu macro button on the job type sheet works. N/A The button will take you back to the main menu page. As expected 18 a b c Check data validation for D2:D14 on breakdown sheet to allow numbers only. Normal 30 Extreme D Erroneous dn8949 The program allows entry. It shows an error message to explain that no letters are allowed. As above. As expected As expected As expected 19 a b Test the lookup function for the client addresses Normal 3 Extreme 51 Erroneous 73hdhb. It will look up the client address with that code number. It shows N/A in the cell meaning there is an error in the formula. As above. As expected It comes up with zero As expected I will put a validation rule on the cell so that it will only allow numbers below 51. 20 Check that the back to main menu macro button on the client details sheet works. N/A The button will take you back to the main menu page. As expected 21 Give the program to OMD project Management for them to test it Implementation Log 17/11/05 The first stage of my implementation was to insert two worksheets. I then renamed my worksheets for easy reference; the sheets will be named Main Menu, Summary, Breakdown, Job Type and Client Details. Here I have entered all of the column headings for the client details addresses Here I have highlighted cells A1:F51 this allows the user to enter up to 50 different addresses as stated in the requirements. I then named the table Address. Here I have entered all the data for the different types of jobs. And here I have formatted the cells to currency so that the data in these cells is displayed as a currency. I highlighted cells B2:D5 and inserted a name. The table name is now jobs. Here I have entered all of the headings for this table and I have then highlighted cells A1:F15 and named them Breakdown. Here I have entered the vlookup formula, that will lookup the different rates that correspond to the code No. entered and put them onto this sheet. As you can see the vlookup formula has worked as it has entered the rate of pay. I have also put in the formula to workout amount of money owed. I have entered the formula to calculate the amount of money owed for travelling. Here I have entered the formulae to work out the total amount of money owed for expenses and to work out the money owed for staying in hotels. I have also formatted all the cells containing monetary values to currency. As you can see here I have entered all the text onto the summary sheet. Here I have entered a validation rule to the date cell on the invoice which only allows a date to be entered in the format 00/00/00 and it must be greater than 01/01/2000. I also added my own error message to inform the user of what the need to enter. Here I have entered the vlookup formula which will lookup each part of the address that corresponds to the code and the transfer them onto this sheet. I entered the same formula for the 4 cells below but each time increasing the column index number by one. This is the formula that copies the amount of money owed for work from the breakdown sheet onto the summary sheet. This formula is the same as above except that it copies the total amount of expenses owed instead of the amount of money owed for work Here is the formula to calculate the sub-total. And here is the formula to work out the VAT to be added. And finally the formula that will work out the total amount of money owed. This is me recording the macro that will take you from the main menu page to the breakdown page. I will do the same for each macro that is used for navigation. To create the macro button I used the forms toolbar and clicked on the button icon and I drew the button. I then right clicked it and assigned the appropriate macro to it. So now whenever I click the button it will take me to the specified page. Here I am assigning the macro to the macro button. I have recorded a macro that deletes all the entries that have been entered into the invoice breakdown sheet. This macro button clears all the information, on the invoice summary page, that changes. And for the addresses it changes the code so that a line is displayed instead of the client address. I did this each time I recorded a new macro and just chose a new name for it.

How do leaders develop

How do leaders develop? Given the large amount of different facets leaders posses in order to perform effectively in their respective domains, it is hard to specifically define leadership- however, it can be merely presented as an influencing process between a leader and the people who follow. Furthermore, leadership development is essential in carrying an individual through from the stages of emergence all the way to leadership effectiveness, and was defined by Day (2012) as â€Å"the expansion of an individual's capacity to be effective in leadership roles and processes†.According to Contracts (2010) and Murphy (201 1), there are major developmental stages in leadership; starting in early childhood, those years playing a major role in the upbringing of future self-regulation and leadership identity. Studies by Viola and Possessing (2011) have also demonstrated that many skills acquired at a young age during â€Å"sensitive periods†, when learning has proven to be easi er and happens faster, often have an impact on leadership development in later stages; therefore an adequate early environment may reveal itself as helpful in developing future effective leaders.Furthermore, research from Arrive et al (2006) argues that many leader personality traits are partly genetically inherited, and that parents contribute to many characteristics shown in their children; which helps demonstrate that there are a considerable amount of factors in leadership development that are, at least for the early years, beyond the control of the individual concerned and will most likely have consequences (positive or negative) on leadership development in the person's future years.However, initiative is arguably the main driver for self-regulation and a moon trait in leaders, according to Larson (2000). In addition, Caldwell (2008) states in his findings that practice is the main method for obtaining desired leadership skills, leading us to think that anyone with enough init iative and the right set of goals could potentially become an effective leader. Considering the impact of an individual's environment on their personal traits and attributes, most noticeably from the early years, how much control do we really have over our leadership development?Based on a research conducted by Arrive et al (2006), at least 30% of personality heartsickness in relation to transformational leadership is attributed through genetics; which is an indication that genes play a large role in determining leadership attributes in individuals, whether it is leader emergence or leader effectiveness. However, 70% of leadership traits stem from other sources; it is therefore important to analyses all the other factors influencing the development of the individual's leadership skills.Acting as the main role-models, parents are a vital influence in their children's developments and play a major role in their relation to adhering: â€Å"Parents contribute to their children's religi ous beliefs, intellectual and occupational interests, feelings of self-esteem or inadequacy, adherence to traditional or modern notions of masculinity and femininity, helpfulness to others, skills, and values† (Wade & Atavist,2008) A research conducted by Contracts (2010) concluded that there are four different types of parenting styles; these are: authoritative, neglectful, authoritarian and indulgent.Each one of the four is argued to have varying effects on children's leadership development. It is believed that authoritative parents are the most likely to raise children to be effective leaders, by educating them with strict discipline and monitoring; but also supportive and encouraging of them to think and act independently as they become more mature (Murphy, 2011).On the other hand, according to Banding (1991) authoritarian parents tend to exert control and punishment based on firm rules; which is a parenting method that is not usually prone to leadership skill development in children, generally resulting in teenagers with a lack of social and communication skills.Furthermore, neglectful parents are absent or play very minor roles in their children's lives; as a result they tend to raise teenagers with poor social skills and low self control. However, indulgent parents, who will be present without ever enforcing many household rules, tend to raise children with generally higher creativity levels; but will also lead to lower social skills and self-control due to a lack of firmness in regards to their education from their parents.Another phenomenon instigated by parenting, which can be observed from infancy and acts as an indicator for future adhering outcomes, is the attachment or bond that infants have with their guardians; Insinuators et al (1978) determined three different types of attachments a child can have: Secure, avoiding and ambivalent- these will influence the individual's future social behavior.According to Insinuators et all's findings, in dividuals who benefited from secure attachment to their guardians in their formative years are generally more socially adaptable as adults and have the confidence resources to take on leadership roles; whereas individuals who suffered from insecure attachments (avoiding or ambivalent) tend to comparatively lack social confidence due to the absence of a sense of security from a guardian as a child and, in contrast, will not seek out leadership.This goes to show that parents have a considerable impact on the outcome of their children, which ultimately will affect them in regards to their leadership development, abilities and capabilities. It is quite obvious that early influences and genetics have an impact on leadership development in adulthood, those early years being a delicate, sensitive and an important period of development.However, as long as individuals keep on learning new skills and behaviors, development will continue (Bernstein, 1989). An individual's background, environme nt and early upbringing are not the only factors in successful effective leadership development; although those elements are strong enablers, with many demonstrated correlations, they are not everything needed to be a leader .Caldwell (2008) underlined the crucial importance of training and practice through his analysis of notable leaders such as Bill Gates or the Beetles, and included that it requires 10 000 hours of work to become an expert in any field; and this can be achieved by anyone with the initiative to do so. Although practice may yield more results in skill development and mastery if performed at a young age during the â€Å"sensitive period† of learning, it does not however mean that it will instigate zero form of leadership development if practicing occurs later in lifetime (Viola and Possessing 2011).Another important concept explained through a model developed by Lord and Hall (2005), which encompasses the development of leadership identity and self- exultatio n in relevance with the lifespan approach to leader development, is that our notion of leadership evolves through time; for example the way leadership is demonstrated and perceived as a child in primary school will be completely different to the way in which it is viewed by adults with different motifs and sets of personal goals.Leadership identity plays a vital part in leadership development, acting in correlation with self regulation; as individual goals and motivations progress through time, we tend to re-develop new updated leadership identities and adapt our goal researchers accordingly, in order to eventually achieve effectiveness and have control over our own leadership development. Previous findings demonstrate a clear correlation between early influences and leadership development.Furthermore, the presence of a sensitive period in regards to learning and developing core characteristics found in early years of childhood is an indicator of the limited amount of control we hav e over our own leadership development, given that most main decisions regarding young children's upbringing and social environments are made by the parents, and ultimately become defining eaters for the individuals.This emphasizes the fact that individuals placed in a favorable environment for developing leadership skills, self-efficacy and regulation at a young age have a considerable advantage over those that aren't, and consequently greater chances of becoming leaders in the long-run; this can be used as an encouragement for parents and schools to focus on those crucial character- building and defining years in order to enable individuals with the best opportunities for effective leadership from early on.It is still however possible for individuals to hang their leadership development trajectory and develop a different leadership identity at any given time after reaching maturity, if they posses the urge to become an effective leader or differ from a current leadership position; it is only their original circumstances as a young child which they have no control over, which is a major part of leadership development.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

How does the reward scheme system implemented by organisations help to Dissertation

How does the reward scheme system implemented by organisations help to increase the sales profit - Dissertation Example These are all ascertained within the UK and HK contexts, respectively. Design/methodology/approach. The study is a quantitative research, which takes on a descriptive-correlational research design. Using a purposive sample of UK and HK patrons of Tesco and ParknShop, the research made use of a survey questionnaire to gather primary data and address the objectives of the study. The responses were encoded onto the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 17.0 for statistical analysis. Findings. The study found that satisfaction with the loyalty scheme is significantly correlated with the frequency of shopping at the retail entity for both UK and HK samples. Moreover, satisfaction with the loyalty scheme is significantly correlated with frequency of using the loyalty scheme card for both UK and HK samples. The Chi-square tests suggest that for UK and HK patrons, there is an apparent judgment on customer loyalty as contributed by loyalty schemes, and this is primarily p ositive. These suggest that both UK and HK customers have a relatively positive attitude towards the value and contribution of loyalty schemes in building customer loyalty. Loyalty schemes are significantly correlated with frequency of recommending the loyalty scheme card to friends and family for both samples. The outcomes indicate that there seems to be a relationship between beliefs and loyalty behaviours for UK and HK patrons. ... Such loyalty schemes should be further investigated in terms of their effectiveness in maximising value for their patrons and profitability. Tesco and ParknShop should make a continual effort to instill stronger engagement from its clients to enhance their customer value proposition at the least possible expense. There are other relationship marketing programmes which may serve a similar purpose such as discount coupons, personalised offers, credit cards for the retail institution, among others. Keywords: Customer loyalty in retail, retail marketing, customer loyalty, Tesco, ParknShop Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Introduction Technology’s overarching aim is to enhance organisational performance (Jackson 2005). One technological means of increasing customer retention is through effectual loyalty schemes (Raman, Wittmann, and Rauseo, 2006), which may assist the enterprise in transforming cold data into warm, personalised relationships. Over the long haul, this dovetailed use of lo yalty schemes may lead to a sharp understanding of customers – their profile, needs, and wants – towards enhancing their sense of loyalty to the products and services of the organisation (Oliver 1997; Shimp 2003). Loyalty schemes may entail or incur considerable cost from the organisation; however, it may also significantly reduce the advertising cost that is necessary for attracting new patrons. Some critics contend that it may loyalty schemes may no longer beneficial in improving organisational performance (Reichheld, Markey, and Hopton 2000),. In particular, loyalty schemes have been widely use by grocery, travel and retail sectors, including the Tesco Clubcard, Boots Advantage Card and the Nectar Card within the specific context of the UK. There are several reasons

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Implementing Strategies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Implementing Strategies - Essay Example Strategy is the direction and scope of an organisation over the long term, which helps it to achieve one or more objectives through interrelated activities which are undertaken over a specific period of time. These activities form part of the strategy cycle which provides the plan of action for the organisation. This strategy cycle is illustrated in Figure 1.0 below.The first of the stage involves the strategy identification, which plays an important role as the resulting activities of the organisation will be based on decision made at this stage. In order to identify the best strategy to follow, the organisation has to have an understanding of their stakeholders' expectations Stakeholders can include customers, as they are ultimately the service users or consumers. By understanding their expectation, the process of identifying options becomes simplified. For example, if stakeholders expect superior quality or service, then the resulting strategic options could include a focus on cre ating a unique specialisation, novel approaches or even the introduction of equipment and/or technology to enhance this aspect. The second stage of formulating the strategy involves determining the appropriate courses of action to take to enable the organisation to achieve its objectives (Alan 2001, Doyle et al 2002). This can include increasing recruitment, job redundancies, relocation, expansion and other visible aspects of the plan. This is then appraised in Stage 3, a process which includes critical and feasibility assessments. The strategy is then implemented in Stage 4, and this stage is the practical part of the strategy where management actively put a strategy into place (Alan 2001, Doyle et al 2002). However, the implementation of a strategy is likely to be influenced by the dynamics of the organisation in terms of its culture and identity, as strategy implementation can sometimes be part of a change management process. Corporate culture can be defined as the set of beliefs, experiences and attitudes within an organisation (Alan 2001, Doyle et al 2002), and this is often entwined with corporate identity which tends to reflect and represent the culture. Corporate culture and identity have a significant influence on employees, as they dictate simple aspects such as the number of hours worked a day or a week, commuting options, interaction, dress code, benefits, training, office space and professional development (Morris 2005). For example, IBM will have a different corporate culture and identity to say a medical organisation. One can already make out the differences in work hours, as medical organisations tend to have variable working patterns, which in turn influence the amount of office space allocated to an individual, which can also influence the level of communication and interaction with other colleagues. This means that the strategy formulation and implementation processes cannot exclude corporate culture and identity, as these will ultimately determine the parameters of success for the organisation. THE INFLUENCE OF CORPORATE CULTURE AND IDENTITY ON STRATEGY FORMULATION Strategy formulation includes undertaking feasibility, techno-economic, strategy decision/network, input, financial, cost-benefit and pre-investment analyses (Toyohiro 1998, Matson 2001). Feasibility analysis This is where a proposed strategy is examined for its influences and effects on its consumers and/or other competitors (Toyohiro 1998, Alan 2001, Matson 2001, Doyle et al 2002). For instance, if a strategy is formulated that has the effect of increasing the level of competition in the industry, then there has to be some thought how this strategy will affect working hours and motivation of employees. It could be that the proposed strategy will result in a commission based system of work, which will conflict with employees especially if other aspects such as office space are not configured.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

The Tale of Genji by Lady Muraski Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Tale of Genji by Lady Muraski - Essay Example The theme of love based on gender will be examined in this paper. This story revolves around Hikaru Genji, the son of an Emperor. Genji is stripped of his royal stature and force to live like a commoner. So throughout the story Genji has a royal demeanor, but forced to live as common Imperial soldier. Genji is handsome. He also has a very powerful persona. In one passage of the book, Genji sees a naked woman in a window. He enters the bedroom and engages in relations with the woman. The woman did not protest since he had such a powerful presence. Genji comes into contact with many women. Genji professes love for different types of women. From a princess, concubine, and even wife Genji loves them all in their own way. He has been with a princess, attendant, and even some women named captain after their father’s rank. Since there is a multitude of women, only the most important women loved by Genji will be examined here. In this novel, women are seen as possessions or prizes. Even his own daughters or mother must be provided support by a man. Lady Kiritsubo, Genji’s mother, was supported by the Emperor. However since her father was dead, she suffered at the hands of the other concubines. This caused her to die a premature death. Due to the other concubines’ jealousy, Genji was made a commoner through politics. Although Genji does not love Lady Kokiden, his mother’s enemy, she does show how a woman can achieve power through a man’s love. After Genji’s father died, Lady Kokiden’s son achieves power as emperor. Through her son’s love and respect, Lady Kokiden has the power to persuade the emperor. This is one way a woman can come to power. The power of an emperor’s mother was always considered the highest a woman could achieve. Genji does not care if he sleeps with another man’s wife or concubine. One of Genji’s great loves is his own stepmother, Lady Fujisubo. Lady Fujisubo was the previous emperor’s daughter. Thus she